General information and overview

Hours of Operation:
11:00 AM to 11:00 PM
11:00 AM to 11:00 PM
11:00 AM to 2:00 AM
11:00 AM to 2:00 AM
11:00 AM to 2:00 AM
11:00 AM to 2:00 AM
11:00 AM to 11:00 PM
Cuisine :
Authentic Mexican Taqueria
Address :
Brickell City Centre 4th Floor 701 South Miami Ave., Miami FL 3313
Phone Number:
786 – 347 – 5368
Seating Capacity
205 guests
our values
- Family / We care about the well being of our families, our community and one another.
- Accountability / We daily take the initiative to achieve our personal best.
- Professionalism / We respect one another, and do the right things , the right way.
- Honesty / We act with integrity and sincerity with everyone, every time.
- Customer Focus / We deliver unsurpassed quality and value to all we serve.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle

ADP Clock in and Clocking out through the ADP Punching wall clock :
Once you are in full uniform and prepared to work you can Clock in and start your shift responsibilities, after you have finished all your shift responsibilities, you must inform management of your departure, in order to be checked out, and then you may Clock out.
“REMEMBER: “ You clock in and work , you clock out you leave the premises!
If there is any discrepancy with your clock in or out, please Inform the MOD to make the proper time card adjustments. Hours report will be printed every tuesday so you can confirm or correct your working hours.
It is mandatory for all employees to punch in and out and keep a respectfully consistent process. You will be allowed to clock in 10 minutes before your assigned schedule . Hours will be check in every week through the ADP hours report. Employees who show inconsistently punch in and
out will be reprimanded with a write up, if the employee keeps showing inconsistency in his punch in and out will be considered a termination.
You are more than welcome to bring your family for lunch or dinner to any of our restaurants with management’s approval for a table reservation.
Tacology Employees may not come in or stay after working hours to drink or seat at the bar, it is against our code of conduct and employee rules. There will be no exceptions!
All FOH employee bags, purses , backpacks or personal belongings must remain in the assigned area.
Wash your hands before returning to your work stations at all times when you’ve entered the restroom. Remember that we share bathrooms with our customers, and they are watching us and paying attention to our cleanliness.
So we must :
- Always give them first passage (if there is an emergency or just as a courtesy, they are our guest)
- Once used , Leave the bathroom in perfect condition. This means not only picking up after yourself, but making sure our bathroom is presentable. Ask yourself if you’d be happy to use this restroom. If for any reason the mess is larger than you can handle, please be sure to advise management.
- Our restrooms are not your personal locker / dressing rooms, it is your responsibility to be in your complete uniform once you step into the premises.
Your image and presentation are a key factor of your Tacology uniform, therefore, it is very important to maintain a clean image according to Hospitality Standards and health code directives.
- Beards should always be clean and trimmed , your hair should be groomed or presentable and long hair must always be up in a top knot or bun).
- Nails should be well kept and clean.
- Your apron should be clean, as well as your entire uniform. Please tuck in your shirts!
- Employees should refrain from wearing excessive jewelry, this will not only prevent you from losing it, but from also injuring yourself. Please no more than one ring per hand, and no more than a watch or a simple bracelet per person wrist. No chandelier earrings, or excessively bulky jewelry will be permitted while on shift.
You should always be in your complete uniform during your daily lineup. This includes: Tacology Shirts , Watches , Apron ,Micros Cards ,Tacology hat, certified non slip shoes, wine openers , lighters and most importantly your biggest smile. Positive attitude is everything !
No uniforms should be used outside Tacology’s premises. Uniforms are the sole property of Tacology and must be returned by each employee upon resignation or termination, if not you will be charged for the full value on your last check.
Staff Mandatory meetings will be announced with enough prior notice on our bulletin board. Unless you are faced with an immediate emergency, you are expected to attend the Mandatory Meeting, as they are crucial to our growth and development. Liquor training, Food handler, and all necessary certifications for your position, and in house clean up is MANDATORY.
Tardiness and Absenteeism
Below are the consequences of tardiness:
- Tardiness: Always be on time, Tardiness is not an option. In the event of an emergency that will cause you to be late, call your manager immediately. Your manager will determine if the tardiness is due to reasons beyond your control or if a reprimand may be issued, or if necessary. All cases will be determined on a case by case basis. Remember that at least two of the ways to get to Brickell City Centre have a bridge that rises with the passage of water vessels, do not let that affect your arrival on time. Always allow at least fifteen minutes extra for these occurrences. We believe in you and your commitment to us, as we are committed to you, so please come prepared, with a smile, and arrive on time.
- Absenteeism: As a team we are all expected to be present on time and ready to work at our scheduled time everyday. Missing work is only due to emergency reasons. In the event that an emergency arises and you must call off work, notification to management must be made at least 4 hours prior to your shift.
- First Offense: we fully believe in you and we know that there was something extraordinary that caused your delay. (We know it will not happen again) – Verbal Warning
- Second Offense: we continue believing in you, but this time unfortunately you will have to go back home out of respect to your colleagues who have committed to their schedule. You will also be given a Written Warning. This will go in your permanent employee file.
- Third Offense: We believed in you
, and have been as lenient as possible, but unfortunately a third occasion jeopardizes your position at Tacology. Your commitment to us and your colleagues is very important for us and at this point we have a problem. You will be given a final written warning and any further offense of any kind will lead to a terminated contract.
- Final Offense / Termination : Once a verbal warning and two written warnings have been issued, we have provided you enough time to reevaluate your relationship with Tacology. At this point, your lack of commitment has forced us to relieve you from your position. You will be given a written termination and an exit interview. We wish you the best of luck!
- No Call No Show: No call / no shows are extremely serious offenses. We count on the number staff necessary for daily operation of the restaurant. This means if you do not at least call or show to a scheduled shift, or have given prior notice to your manager, it will be considered your voluntary resignation, and your employment with Tacology will be terminated.
Hostess Stand: We know that the hostess stand is a comfortable spot, but this area is ONLY for the hostess and customers! Loitering or hanging out in this area is not acceptable at any moment. If you are repeatedly hanging around the hostess stand instead of at your tables you will be reprimanded accordingly.
Inhouse Telephone: The house phone is for receiving reservations, events, deliveries and providing information to our customers. If you need to make a personal call, we understand this may be necessary at times, talk to a manager so you can make your personal call from your phone in an area away from guests and the floor. The only reason the house phone should receive a call from you and/or for you, is for business purposes, or in case of an emergency, other than that the use of our inhouse phone is prohibited.
Inhouse Telephone: The house phone is for receiving reservations, events, deliveries and providing information to our customers. If you need to make a personal call, we understand this may be necessary at times, talk to a manager so you can make your personal call from your phone in an area away from guests and the floor. The only reason the house phone should receive a call from you and/or for you, is for business purposes, or in case of an emergency, other than that the use of our inhouse phone is prohibited.
Cleaning and Care: Tacology is your second home, take care of it as if it was your own home. Please keep your “house” tidy, beautiful, and clean in order to show it with pride to our guests. Before leaving the premises make sure you have completed your responsibilities and your station is completely clean and organized, Remember Tacology is you.
We will not accept any kind of aggressive or inappropriate behavior in our work environment (either verbal or body language) Admonition: write up.
Inconvenience or discrepancies:
We will not accept any kind of discussion between employees, all discrepancies and misunderstandings must be informed to the management team. Admonition: write up / termination.
Service Complaints:
First complain: check both parties (client and server) every manager will judge and consider if complaint is true or false. Admonition: verbal warning.
Second complain: check both parties (client and server) every manager will judge and consider if complaint is true or false. Admonition: write up.
Third complain: check both parties (client and server) every manager will judge and consider if complaint is true or false. Admonition: suspension.
Fourth complain: check both parties (client and server) every manager will judge and consider if complaint is true or false. Admonition: termination.
Discharge without Prior Warning
These are examples of instances when an Employee’s action/s may be so serious enough, that it would merit an immediate TERMINATION WITHOUT WARNING. These include, but are not limited to the following:
Behavior between employees: in order to keep a friendly work environment is necessary to avoid inappropriate behaviors.
- Violating safety rules or other established guidelines that could result in bodily harm, injury to a guest or anyone else.
- Major physical damage to the restaurant or other company property. (Ipads, POS stations, Watches, etc.)
- Using, Consuming, being in possession of, or selling, or being under the influence of any controlled substance, alcoholic intoxicants, drugs, hallucinatory drugs, being part of and/or witnessing any drug-related activity without reporting it, or the misuse of prescription drugs on company time or property, or reporting to work under the influence of such substances.
- Failure to work or call in to your work shift, failure to return from a leave or vacation, or leaving the restaurant during working hours without management authorization.
- Falsifying any company records, such as but not limited to, medical forms, payroll records, Time Cards , and employment applications or receiving any benefits through fraud.
- Insulting, arguing, being discourteous, or using profane language in the presence of others.
- Harassing a co-worker or visitor based on the person’s race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, marital or veteran’s status, disability or any other legally protected status.
- Physically confronting your co-workers, Fighting or other physical contact, such as but not limited to, “horseplay”, pushing, shoving, threatening, harassing, etc. on company time or property, regardless of who started it, may result in the termination of all Employees involved.
- Sitting on the Bar while on the clock or off the clock, Bar stools are for our guest only.
- Willful disobedience, insubordination, intentional failure, refusal to carry out or follow any reasonable order instruction or procedure.
- Conviction or plea of guilty to any felony or misdemeanor, other than minor traffic offenses.
- Any action that may be detrimental to the company, including but not limited to, dishonesty, theft from the company, a guest, or other employee property of any kind or anything of monetary value.
- Gambling on company time or property.
- Sleeping or giving the appearance of sleeping during working hours or in an unauthorized area.
- Possession of guns or other weapons at work or on any company premises or using any devices as weapons, such as but not limited to, tools, sharp objects, etc.
- Employees are prohibited from being on property without Restaurant management’s knowledge and authorization.
- Disclosing unauthorised confidential to a guest guest or competing Restaurant, and/or proprietary Tacology information to third parties.
- 3 Write ups or a Suspension will be subject to for a meeting with management for counseling or either termination.